Cheap Flights to Gaborone (GBE) from UK Airports

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A City Where Ancient and Modern Collide

GBE, Gaborone

As the capital of the African nation of Botswana, Gaborone is a modern city with fascinating glimpses of its colonial past. Visitors seeking to explore and understand the richness of African wildlife will find game reserves close by and there are good opportunities for water-sports.

Botswana is close to South Africa and has a generally relaxed way of life. Those familiar with The No 1 Ladies’ Detective series of books, which were set in the country, will have a good feel for the architecture and landscape of this destination.

The largest game park is the Mokolodi Nature Reserve, only some 15km from Gaborone, which is home to many different species, including cheetahs and rhinoceros. If you are feeling a little adventurous, it is possible to stay overnight in a chalet for a real taste of the great African outdoors. Close by this reserve is the Lion Park, offering excellent opportunities for wildlife photographers to see the “King of the Jungle” in a very natural setting.

The city offers a range of sights, in particular the older part, known simply as the village, where remains of colonial fortifications and the old Government Rest House can be found, relics of a fascinating and often tragic history of this part of southern Africa.

There are a good number of excellent hotels in this destination, with prices to suit all budgets. Opportunities to try local food abound, such as the pies known as “patties”, while there are also plenty of international dishes available, especially Indian and Italian.