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Punta Arenas, Chile – the perfect place for history buffs

PUQ, Punta Areans

Sightseeing along Avenida Bulnes in Punta Arenas is an adventure on its own. The municipal cemetery found in this part of town is a typical Latin American graveyard that has mausoleums and large tombs but it also tells a bit of the municipality’s history.

The names of many immigrants who lived in the area in past decades feature on the tombstones as well as Latin American names and also those of Croatian and English in origin.

Walking to Plaza de Armas is also a delight since the central square is surrounded by old mansions constructed in the 19th century. The long and rather rich history of the city is what makes the place interesting, with many museums and places of worship to explore. Many a history buff has booked flights to the Latin American destination just to experience its beauty and see its historic sites.

Punta Arenas has a museum located inside the Braun-Menedez Mansion near Plaza de Armas. The museum gives holidaymakers a glimpse of the Braun and Menendez family’s wealth. The museum also houses a small gift shop where visitors can buy souvenirs.

Near Avenida Espana, on the other side of Plaza de Armas, is another tourist attraction. The Mirador Cerro dela Cruz, also known as Mouth of the Cross, offers a spectacular view of the cityscape. On view are commercial buildings, brightly coloured tin roofs, the Strait of Magellan and the harbour. On a clear day, visitors can even catch a glimpse of Tierra del Fuego.