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The Commemoration of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day

SZF, Samsun

Samsun is a destination that is located at the northern end of Turkey. This destination is also the provincial capital of Turkey. The real reason why this city is celebrated is the fact that it is the location where the country’s famous figure Mustafa Kemal landed in 1919. For a tourist, this is an important fact because this is also the reason why the famous Youth Day is held here and, indeed, the whole of Turkey.

The Youth Day or, as it is officially known, May 19th the Commemoration of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day is a festival that is mainly held in this city to celebrate the landing of Mustafa Kemal and the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence. The Youth Day is mainly famous for being a day in which the youth of Turkey is celebrated through a wide range of activities. Turkey’s Youth Day is celebrated with sports and gymnastics events being held all across the city of Samsun.

In addition to this, a tourist arriving at this city would also be able to enjoy elaborate parades held in t honour of the youth of the country and the arrival of Mustafa Kemal. There is also significant respect and attention devoted to the national anthem of the country in every youth-related institution in the city. The values of Turkish democracy are also celebrated by the people of this city and throughout Turkey on this day.