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The annual Steam Threshing Jamboree is a big attraction

MSN, Madison

In a destination not far from Madison there is an annual event called the Annual Steam Threshing Jamboree. A few miles west of the city there is the Historic Prairie Village, where the event takes place. Over three days each year, the jamboree plays host to a lot of attractions.

During the three-day event, there will be a various tractors featured including Orphan and Acreage, stationary engines and regional lawn and garden equipment. Other features of the jamboree include a large flee market, parades, tractor pulls, exhibits, machinery demonstrations, music and food.

Prairie village is a 120-acre site off the shores of Lake Herman and has more than 40 buildings that depict the past. The whole village is surrounded by railway track and it is here that the Railroad Days event takes place.

For anyone who is looking to camp in the area, there are grounds available with full electricity supply and showering facilities. With the Prairie Village only a few miles from Madison City, there are many other accommodation options available including hotels or bed and breakfasts. The capital city of Wisconsin, Madison is located just west of Lake Michigan. Dane County Regional Airport is the serving site for all flights to Madison City. There are no direct flights to Madison Airport and anyone wishing to go there will need to fly into an alternate US destination hub, such as Chicago, to then transfer onwards to Dane County Regional Airport.